Julian Rengifo / Karlis Garcia

Hello friends!

We are Karlis and Julian and we are originally from Venezuela and Colombia.

Here's our story:

On a breezy afternoon, we were walking down Puerto Vallarta’s Malecón. We were mesmerized by the lights, colours, sounds and textures surrounding us; we felt we could breathe happiness in every corner.

During this exhilarating walk, we noticed that everything surrounding us was vibrant, bright-coloured and full of life!

It was then, when the thought of a colourful way of life was forever tattooed in our minds. 

When we came back to Vancouver, we began looking to re-live what we had experienced during our trip to Mexico and what we have experienced in our respective Venezuelan and Colombian cultures. We wanted a colourful way to express ourselves; a vibrant style of wardrobe with a powerful message that would empower us to always live our lives to the fullest.

This is when we decided to incorporate our vivid and colourful memories and traditions into garment designs which would then become our very own apparel brand -

it was then when Shop Calavera was born.

We are fun, daring brand that specializes in bold and adventurous fashion products inspired in our Latin American culture.

We want to empower everyone to be unique - to express their groove through our Latin American inspired apparel. We want you to show your identity in a refreshing way. 

My Blog

No articles yet. Coming soon!

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