Dyana Biagi

Hello, we are the Gonzalez Biagi family and we’re excited to share our story with you!We are from Colombia, which is a culturally rich country filled with heartwarming people, music, celebration, family, and exceptionally diverse cuisine. This incredible country is the birthplace of our traditional South American condiment—Aji (ah-hee!). This is our own recipe of Ají (and a staple in our own kitchen) and we are thrilled and humbled to be able to share this tradition with you to enjoy!When we moved to Canada in 1999, our family (Dyana, Carlos, and our kids Nicholas and Allison) settled in British Columbia. With us came our own recipe of Ají so that we could always enjoy a little taste of home. This is where the story of Aji becomes more than just a family condiment.One day we were invited to a hockey get together and I (Dyana aka mom) was asked to bring guacamole as the only Latin American in the group. The problem…I had never made guacamole in my life and had no time to find a worthy recipe nor all the ingredients! In a rush I decided to add Aji to an avocado in order to make the guacamole for the party. The response was overwhelming.  People said that it was unlike anything that they had ever tasted before—I could see how happy it made them. The feeling of having people enjoy something I myself made was indescribable. I was so touched, excited, and proud.​But then… people kept asking me to make more and eventually everyone asked me to sell it! It was due to demand that I decided to turn my Ají into a business.  It became a dream of mine to share it with the world.  In 2006, I started Ají Gourmet Products and sold my first jar to a local store in South Surrey, BC. 

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