Goya Los Andes yellow pepper (frozen)/ Ají amarillo Goya Los Andes (congelado)

USD $ 6.87

Cardero Cafe, Our yellow Goya pepper has a light and delicious spicy touch, similar to a chili and is one of the most important ingredients for Peruvian gastronomy. It is ideal for cooking traditional dishes such as fish ceviche, ají de gallina, lomo saltado, shrimp chupes and many types of rice. In addition to having an unbeatable flavor and being a basic ingredient for many dishes, it contains a large amount of vitamin A, B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

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Los Andes yellow pepper, Our yellow Goya pepper has a light and delicious spicy touch, similar to a chili and is one of the most important ingredients for Peruvian gastronomy. It is ideal for cooking traditional dishes such as fish ceviche, ají de gallina, lomo saltado, shrimp chupes and many types of rice. In addition to having an unbeatable flavor and being a basic ingredient for many dishes, it contains a large amount of vitamin A, B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Nuestro ají amarillo Goya tiene un ligero y delicioso toque picante, parecido al ají y es uno de los ingredientes más importantes de la gastronomía peruana. Es ideal para cocinar platos tradicionales como ceviche de pescado, ají de gallina, lomo saltado, chupes de camarones y muchos tipos de arroces. Además de tener un sabor inmejorable y ser un ingrediente básico para muchos platos, contiene una gran cantidad de vitamina A, vitaminas del grupo B y minerales como calcio, magnesio y potasio.

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